Today, February 14th marks Valentines day. Although the holiday is typically associated with appreciating a significant other, it means more than that today. After getting home from school today, me and my Mom started planning what we were going to make for dinner. While my dad distracted her for a little bit, I was able to sneak away and get her a gift that showed my love for her. I spent a total of $5 at our local pharmacy on a card for her but my moms reaction to it was priceless. I wrote to her about how much I appreciated her and I included that I am so proud of her for the progress that she has made throughout the past year and a half since she has been diagnosed with cancer.
The card read...
"Mom, I love you so much more than you could ever know. I am looking forward to when you visit me at school next year in warm, California weather (pray for me to get accepted into my dream schools) and I am also looking forward to the day that you walk out of your last treatment and get to ring the bell signifying that you are cancer free! Keep fighting mom-Dad, Jackson and I all know that you will make it."
-Love Tucker <3
Showing my raw, unfiltered love for my mom meant more to her than any gift ever could. Simple actions on Valentines day can make the largest impact on somebody who is struggling with cancer or any health implication that they may have.
Small tasks of kindness like this are something that I hope to do more of this year, not only on Valentines day. My overall message is that kindness and love can be expressed for anyone and more times than not it is shown through words and actions rather than materialistic goods.
Love you mom and happy Valentine's day to all of you! As always, please message me with any questions and feel free to check out the forum page and the new stickers in the shop page!
-Tucker <3